Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership Programme

The Pupil Leadership Programme is an opportunity for pupils to voice their views on improvements to our school and actively support the day-to-day running of the school.

The Pupil Leadership Programme offers a wide range of opportunities to develop and practise leadership skills, in preparation for life beyond school. The current programme came about as result of a group of pupils, teachers and support staff working together to identify areas where the school community could be enriched.

As we are all too aware, competition for sixth form, college, university, apprenticeships and jobs can be fierce. We want to give our pupils the chance to ‘stand out from the crowd’. By being involved in the Pupil Leadership Programme throughout their school life, our pupils benefit from a range of experiences, through which they can develop the skills and qualities they can use in job applications, personal statements and interviews, in addition to being better prepared for all the challenges of adult life.


Parkside Parliament

We are excited to introduce the Parkside Parliament which forms part of our Pupil Leadership Programme. We are a democratically elected body which is composed of one representative from each year group. The Parkside Parliament meets on a half-termly basis with the Headteacher and Governing Body to present their fellow pupils’ great ideas to make Parkside more effective. By working together, we have been able to make improvement in many areas of the school, including extra-curricular clubs, homework, IT resources, fundraising and even the canteen menu! We are proud that our work really does have impact on shaping the future of our brilliant school.


Parliament Leaders

We are proud to introduce ourselves as the elected Parliament Leaders of Parkside Community School. We serve as the highest representatives of the pupil body and work in regular collaboration with the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and Governing body to support the strategic direction of the school. Our roles enable us to represent Parkside at local, national and international events where we hope to give the very best possible impression of the school, our fellow pupils and wonderful community.


Sport Leadership

We are The Sports Leaders of Parkside Community School. We are passionate about sports and enjoy inspiring others to participate in physical activity and sport. Members of our Sport Leadership Team have a variety of skills and talents. We all demonstrate respect, determination and ambition in what we do.
The Sports Leaders have trained in the SL-1 qualification which enables us to assist teaching staff in lessons, clubs and at sports events. Throughout the year we have gained qualifications and experience in a wide variety of sports including football and athletics. We can utilise this experience to ‘lead’ primary school pupils in sports events and festivals here at Parkside Community School and around Chesterfield.


Anti-bullying Leaders

We are very proud to be appointed the first cohort of Anti-bullying Leaders. We will undertake various roles within the school to support our mission to eradicate bullying.
These include:

  • Being ‘monitors’ in the Year 7 play area
  • Drop-in service for pupils in the school to access
  • Mentoring younger pupils who are having difficulties in school
  • Leading on anti-bullying campaigns
  • Leading on assemblies for anti-bullying
  • The Anti-bullying Leaders are recognised by their distinctive gold ties.


Duke of Edinburgh Programme

Parkside offers pupils the chance to be part of the D of E Awards Programme. Pupils in Year 10 work towards the Bronze Award, however, if pupils have already achieved their Bronze award they will work towards their Silver Award.
Young people between 14 and 24 can follow programmes at one of three levels, Bronze, Silver or Gold; each one leads to the Duke of Edinburgh Award. There are four sections at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. Completing the Bronze, Silver or Gold D of E Award can be a life-changing adventure where an exciting and challenging programme of activities helps you reach your full potential. Those who participate learn new skills, actively help others, have fun and make new friends, as well as gain a great sense of achievement.Employers, colleges and universities value the D of E Award. It is highly regarded when it features in a personal statement or CV. The D of E Award is not something that can be achieved through a short burst of enthusiasm over one weekend! However, you can easily fit your D of E activities in around your schoolwork and other commitments. A range of activities take place at lunch time or after school. It is possible that something you are already engaged in can count as a D of E activity, although many pupils opt for something completely new.


Buddy Reading Programme

The Buddy Reading Programme is a great way of improving literacy attainment. Older pupils are trained to support younger ones for whom reading is a challenge. Older pupils are natural role models for younger ones and young people often find communicating with peers a lot easier. Our Buddies support year 7 students throughout the year providing friendly and structured reading support. Buddies are highly valued and recognise the outstanding contribution they make to ensure Parkside Community School is a friendly and supportive school. Buddies are there to be a friend, someone to rely on and to mentor to the year 7 students. Our Buddies develop a range of interpersonal skills as well as enhanced responsibility. They receive training in a number of areas such as reading, hand writing, mentoring, anti-bullying and communication skills too.

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