Parkside Community School’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision is part of the Derbyshire Local Offer for secondary schools. The Derbyshire Local Offer website contains information for young people and children with SEND, families and professionals and can be located at
Aims of Parkside Community School’s SEND provision
Parkside Community School aims to achieve the following:
- To support pupils to care about the choices that impact their future.
- To ensure full entitlement and access for SEN pupils to high quality education within a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, so they can reach their full potential and enhance their self‐esteem.
- To educate pupils, wherever possible alongside their peers within normal curriculum of mainstream school taking into account the wishes of parents and child. Sometimes it will be necessary to dis‐apply pupils from the national curriculum to provide an alternative curriculum or to give them time‐out to rest or consolidate learning in other areas.
- To stimulate and/or maintain pupil curiosity, interest and enjoyment in their own education.
- To enable SEN pupils to be familiar with a body of knowledge, skills and principles and vocabulary in order for them to lead full and productive lives. The curriculum must be broad to promote intellectual, emotional, social and physical development in order that pupils can develop as valuable members of society both now and in the future.
- To identify and assess pupils with SEN as early and as thoroughly as is possible in order to implement appropriate interventions.
- To fully involve parents and pupils in the identification, assessment and delivery of SEN and to strive for close co‐operation between all services concerned.
- To meet the needs of all pupils who have been identified as having SEN by offering continual and appropriate forms of educational provision by the most efficient use of all available resources.
Objectives of Parkside Community School’s SEND provision
To enable pupils to achieve their full potential, both academically and socially.
To ensure that every pupil has equal care and attention, regardless of gender, race, social background, physical disability or ability.
To recognise that every pupil has a variety of needs ‐ some of which will be shared with other pupils, some of which will be specific to that pupil, some needs will be of a temporary nature ‐ others may be long term.
To ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to study a broad, balanced curriculum and has access to the National Curriculum at his/her own level.
To provide for the needs of all pupils, as far as resources will allow.
For further information relating to our SEND provision please read the following documents:
Young person's frequently asked questions