Learning Journeys
Please click below to view the subject specific learning journeys pupils will undertake. Each learning journey details the intent of each subject's curriculum, how it will be implemented, and how the impact will be measured across each academic year.
If you'd like to know more about our curriculum after reading any of these documents, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will pass on your request to the relevant curriculum lead for that subject.
English Curriculum Learning Journey
Mathematics Curriculum Learning Journey
Art and Design Curriculum Learning Journey
Computer Science and Creative I Media Curriculum Learning Journey
Enterprise Curriculum Learning Journey
Geography Curriculum Learning Journey
Health & Social Care curriculum learning journey
History Curriculum Learning Journey
MFL curriculum learning journey
Music curriculum learning journey
Performing Arts curriculum learning journey
PE Curriculum Learning Journey
Personal Development Curriculum Learning Journey (Including Religious Education)
Science Development Curriculum Learning Journey
Technology Curriculum Learning Journey