Curriculum Information

At Parkside Community School, our core ethos and values are at the heart of everything we do. We set high expectations to ensure that every pupil excels across all aspects of school life and personal development.

Our vision is for young people:
  • Who have the essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens

  • Who continue to develop the values, knowledge, competencies and attributes that will enable them to enjoy learning, achieve personal excellence, relate well to others and live safe, full, healthy and satisfying lives

At Parkside Community School, pupils will embrace:
  • A broad, deep and knowledge rich curriculum of subject and personal development experiences that will develop young people equipped to thrive and succeed in the world of tomorrow.

  • Aspirational high achievement culture developing individual skills and talents.

  • Literacy and Numeracy development that embeds essential skills needed to access the full curriculum and future life.

  • Working in partnership to secure accelerated progress from Year 7 to Year 11.

  • High expectations for their behaviour and achievement

  • Targeted support and additional challenge leading to pupils achieving their potential.

The 2019 Education Inspection Framework helpfully refers to three components of the work of schools concerning the curriculum, which together comprise the quality of education provided by the school.  These are:

Curriculum Intent

What we intend for pupils to learn or develop as a result of teaching/experiences, including the breadth and level of ambition of the curriculum for all pupils.

Curriculum Implementation

How we ensure that the design and teaching of the curriculum, and our use of assessment, ensures that pupils learn that which was intended.

Curriculum Impact

The extent to which pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, as a result, achieve well and are ready for the next stage of education, employment or training.

Please see the following documents for further information about our Curriculum.

Parkside Curriculum Information Report

Parkside Curriculum Learning Journeys

Parkside Curriculum Bottom Right

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Parkside Community School

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